Public safety
Championing PUBLIC Safety
Moore believes that West Virginia can be the safest state in the nation.
As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Moore’s commitment to supporting law enforcement was well noted. That’s why Moore has earned the endorsement of law enforcement officials from across the state, including unanimous backing from the West Virginia Deputy Sheriffs’ Association.
As Governor, Moore will keep getting it done by leading the fight to put the worst criminals on notice: fentanyl dealers and child traffickers will face LIFE SENTENCES.
Joe Biden refuses to secure our Southern Border and it’s created a national security crisis. As Judiciary Chairman, Moore led on the effort to BAN SANCTUARY CITIES in West Virginia to keep our communities safe.
Moore will keep getting it done for community safety by always “Backing the Blue.” Look at liberal bastions like New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. They may be wild – but they ain’t wonderful. That’s because they believe in defunding the police.
As Governor, Moore will make sure that West Virginia proudly remains “Almost Heaven” by FUNDING the police. He’ll provide law enforcement and first responders with thetraining and resources they need to keep dangerous criminals off our streets.
Moore knows that being tough-on-crime requires properly compensating our correctional officers and making sure they have the resources they need to do their job.
Public safety
Public safety
With Moore, West Virginia is Open for Business
As a leading fiscal conservative, Moore worked alongside Governor Justice to turn major budget deficits into significant budget surpluses.
As House Judiciary Chairman, Moore got it done for West Virginia taxpayers by working with Governor Justice to pass the historic tax relief that returned over $700 million to hardworking West Virginia families!
As a lifelong conservative, Moore supports further reducing taxes for hardworking families and businesses in West Virginia.
Moore helped install the pro-growth economic plan that has put West Virginia on the pathway to responsibly eliminating the personal income tax. As Governor, he’ll continue to grow the economy and accelerate the elimination of the income tax during his term.
And did you know? Moore is the only candidate in the race for Governor who voted to cut your taxes!
Moore has cut roughly 1,000 pieces of bureaucratic red tape. For businesses already open in West Virginia, Moore will ensure a regulatory environment where small businesses can prosper and provide bigger paychecks to employees.
As Governor, Moore will keep getting it done for West Virginia workers, businesses, and families by making the economy even more attractive to employers.
Moore will work tirelessly to keep growing our economy by recruiting new companies to The Mountain State. He’ll tell our story the right way and show them why West Virginia is a better home than Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky – or anywhere else the businesses may consider.
Public safety

Public safety
Energy Independence Starts In West Virginia
Joe Biden’s plan is to shut down coal plants all across America, and he’s made it clear to voters that he wants no more drilling.
Moore has a message for Joe Biden: West Virginia energy is the solution for lowering prices for hardworking families and returning America to energy independence.
In West Virginia, we are the energy experts. As Governor, Moore will keep fighting every day to unlock our natural resources and support innovation.
Moore helped lead on legislation that allows West Virginia to harness even more resources, including natural gas,from our land and puts us on a path towards energy independence.
When DC Liberals attack our energy potential, Moore will challenge them to answer a simple question: Why do you want to hurt American energy production while helping countries like Russia and China? Because make no mistake: kneecapping West Virginia energy is a big win for Moscow and Beijing.
Moore looks forward to working with President Donald Trump to guarantee a bright future that respects the need for America to be energy independent.
Public safety
Public safety
Educating our children and grandchildren
The greatest economic and moral challenge facing West Virginia is the education of our children and grandchildren. As the father of two young kids, this mission is personal to Moore like it is to so many of us.
That’s why guaranteeing that every child has access to an “A+” education will be a top priority for the Capito Administration.
As Governor, Moore will improve educational opportunities by focusing on key areas such as: Achievement, Accountability, Empowering Parents, Learning the Fundamentals (Reading, Writing, Math, Science), Safety, Workforce Readiness, and more!
Public safety
Public safety
2nd Amendment Rights
Moore is a strong defender of the 2nd Amendment who has an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association. As House Judiciary Chairman, he helped EXPAND our constitutional right to bear arms by passing the bill to ban “red flag” laws and protect gun owners’ legal purchases from surveillance.
Moore has a 100% Pro-Life rating. After the Dobbs decision, Moore proudly wrote and shepherded the bill that made West Virginia a flagship Pro-Life state.
Religious Freedom
As House Judiciary Chairman, Moore expanded religious freedom in our state. He helped pass an important bill that armed faithful West Virginians with the legal right to defend their conscience.
Communist China is outsmarting Joe Biden at every corner. That’s why Moore introduced the bill which passed the House to ban Chinese Communists from buying farmland in West Virginia. As Governor, Moore will prevent foreign enemies from grabbing our property.
Protecting Children
As a father, Moore believes it’s important to protect our children and let kids be kids. That’s why he fought to ban transgender surgeries from being performed on minors -- and made sure puberty blockers were outlawed.
Woke Leftists are destroying women’s sports. Moore is a Girl Dad who took action to protect girls’ sports in West Virginia. He will make sure biological men are NEVER allowed to be in the locker rooms with our daughters.